Looks can be deceiving, ‘tis true. Which of the guys on the stage above looks like the type who can throw it down in your mug at will? No, there are no “None of the above” options. Take your time.
So, did ya guess the shaggy-haired cat with the guitar? Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Brent Docter. Hmmm. Seems like a pretty swell guy, a sports and fitness director at a Boys and Girls Club in Lincoln, Nebraska. When he’s not out cornhusking in his free time (I dunno what the heck they do out there in Nebraska! He tells Boys and Girls he likes gardening, art, and bowling… a stone-cold thug fo' sho'), he’s blasting speakers on stage with his progressive-rock band, Defunct Generation.
Forgiving Sunday

Less than a decade ago homeboy looked like this:

Hell, didn’t we all look like that a decade ago, before we, like, started eating? At first glance, though, Baby Doc was not exactly somebody pre-destined to post YouTubes like “White Boy Nasty Dunks” or “Bus Driver 4-Man Poster Dunk.”
By the time he was a 6’2” senior (heading first to Lincoln School of Commerce, then to Doane College, snaring Business and Sports Management degrees), Doc had sick hops and no longer needed somebody’s ladder to grab the nets. If you weren’t careful under the rim, he’d happily do to you with the basketball, ironically, what Jeff Jarrett enjoys doing with his guitars. El Kabong, biyatches!
Here’s some House Call highlights of the Good Docter, rocking myriad High School and College opponents on courts the way he now rocks the house on stage.
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