Less than a week 'til the Hyperdunk kicks hit the streets, and here's installment numero dos from the Swooshinistas. A former bully gets his comeuppance on the Brooklyn blacktop. Dunked on so bad the local bodega names a sandwich after this sorry mugg.
Take a lil' White Chocolate and mix it with a lil' Hot Sauce on the courts, add a pair of fresh Hyperdunks for a lil' posterage and whaddya got? Have a White Sausage sandwich, Terry! It's on the house! Just on principle, man, NEVER take your eyes off a white boy named Leroy...
1-877-DUNKD-ON. Operators are standing by!
OT: bought the black Hyperdunks, and they're incredibly light but comfortbale on hard surfaces. No hurdling luxury cars and snakes by me, though! Navigating the 'hood on foot every day is enough! lol